Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First Post: John's Teeth, Crawling, and Zoo

I created this page in September, right after little John was born. John is now almost 10 months old, and I'm writing my first blog. I'm a little behind...

John has hit a couple of great milestones in the last couple of weeks. On Memorial Day he cut his first tooth, followed a week later by the second tooth. So he has his two middle bottom teeth without any fussing or changes in his sleep!

Second big step: Little man started crawling last week, and he's already motoring all over the house! I was surprised how quickly he picked it up. This is the kid that wouldn't lay on his stomach for more than 10 minutes at a time. Now he makes a beeline for the dog's water and food dishes as soon as I set him down. Need to get some baby gates on the stairs and some child locks on the cabinets.

We took a trip to the zoo with my parents to get out of the house and enjoy the nice spring weather. John was more interested in watching the other kids and families, and didn't pay too much attention to the animals. But Mom, Grandpa, and Grandma had a good time pointing out things for him and pushing him around in the stroller!

I think that's enough news for my first post!

1 comment:

Elsha said...

So, I'm a little late to your first post, but I'm here to say I hope there are more!